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A New Era of Assessment: ITS Brings NLP and AI to Item Workshop

Have you noticed how the words “NLP” and “AI” are popping up everywhere lately? Natural language processing (NLP) and artificial intelligence (AI) are revolutionizing industries left, right, and center—and the assessment industry is no exception. At ITS, we always look for ways to improve the quality of our assessment through our tools, features, and new concepts. That’s why we’re thrilled to announce that we’re incorporating NLP and AI into our item bank, Item Workshop, in 2023! That’s right, Item Workshop will leverage these cutting-edge technologies to make items more engaging, more accurate, and more effective than ever before.  

Before you get overwhelmed with all the technical jargon, let’s break it down in simple terms. In this blog post, we’ll explore these latest enhancements and give you a rundown on how NLP and AI are game changers for item development. Get ready to geek out with us! 

Enhancements to Item Workshop

ITS will release enhancements to Item Workshop allowing for the use of natural language processing (NLP) and artificial intelligence (AI) in item development and item enemies detection. By incorporating NLP and generative AI models, like ChatGPT, in item development, ITS is tackling the challenges of creating high-quality items and preventing item enemies. The benefits of these advancements are clear—more efficient item development, improved item quality, and enhanced security.

Defining the Lingo

So, what do “NLP” and “AI” even mean? Well, NLP involves processing human language in a way that machines can understand and interact with. It’s all about teaching computers to recognize patterns in human speech, whether it’s through written text or spoken words. AI refers to generative and conversational language systems that can produce coherent text based on the input they receive and information they have gathered from a variety of sites. As these technologies evolve, we can expect to see even more innovative applications of NLP and generative AI in the years to come. 

Leveraging the Technology

How can these revolutionary technologies be leveraged for item development and item enemy detection? With ITS’s upcoming enhancements to Item Workshop, you’ll be able to use ChatGPT and other AI models to quickly generate content for your item bank, including items, learning content, images, and content outlines.   

NLP will be used for item enemy detection. Our system will analyze large sets of items and identify potential pairs or sets that are too similar in content, format, or difficulty level. NLP automates this process by using machine learning algorithms trained to recognize patterns and similarities in the data.  

These enhancements to Item Workshop aim to help us efficiently produce high-quality tests, saving time and effort. 

Available to Clients in 2023

As a leader in the assessment industry, ITS is committed to investing in research and development for emerging technologies and innovations. The use of NLP and AI will help us provide superior solutions and services to our clients and has the potential to transform their programs. If you want to learn more about these enhancements, please get in touch with ITS directly at If you’re an existing Item Workshop client, these enhancements will be available for you to use in 2023. 

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